14.19 An Estimation of Cost Arising From Motorcycles Injuries in Kigali, Rwanda

J. Allen Ingabire1, J. Byiringiro1, F. J. Calland2, J. Okiria1  1National University Of Rwanda,College Of Health Sciences And Medicine,School Of Medicine,Department Of Surgery,Butare, SOUTH, Rwanda 2University Of Virginia,Surgery Depatment,Charlottesville, VA, Virgin Islands, U.S.

Introduction: Motorcycles has become a popular mean of transport in Kigali, Rwanda and their injuries are associated with a high number of admissions in the main referral hospital of Kigali. These accidents are associated with a high financial burden to the country. This study aimed at evaluates the total cost arising from motorcycles injuries of patients admitted at University Teaching Hospital of Kigali.

Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional cost study of motorcycles injured patients admitted in University Teaching Hospital of Kigali from January-December, 2011. Data were collected from patient medical, police, insurance and financial records as well as patient interviews. Cost analysis was based upon the standard road accident cost conceptual framework.

Results:A total of 1232 road traffic injuries were reported during the study period and Motorcycle injuries accounted for 73.05% (900 cases) of all injuries. Youths were more involved in motorcycle accident (53.2%) than other age group (16-30 years) .The majority of Motorcycles victims were motorcyclists, (30.86%) and Motorcycle-vehicle (41.61%) was the first cause of motorcycle injuries then motorcycle-pedestrian (30.86%). Head injuries and fractures were the predominant diagnoses (82.15%).The mean hospital stay was 15.43 days, permanent disability was confirmed in 11.5% (n=104), and mortality rate was 10.4% (n=94). The total economic cost of motorcycle injuries was US$ 4,141,300. This is made up of about 28.28% accident-related costs and 71.72% casualty-related costs. The accident-related costs totaling US$892,775 was made up of property damaged costs of 21.56% and administration costs of 6.72%. Whilst the casualty-related cost of US$886.665.50 was made up of labor output costs estimated at US$ 1,631550 (39.4%) was  the highest cost, followed by medical cost estimated atUS$901,150(21.76%),out-of-pocket expenditure (5.9%), intangible costs (4.35%) and the lowest cost was funeral costs totaling US$24,007 (0.58%). The average cost per patient was estimated at US$4,601. There was significant association between category of injured patients and total cost/patient (p>0.05).



Conclusion:Motorcycle injuries create a substantial disability and cost burden in Kigali, Rwanda. Prevention and early treatment should be promoted to decrease the morbidity and financial burden.