10.05 Establishing a context-appropriate trauma registry for Uganda using the local providers' perspective

J. A. Igu1, C. Haasbroek1, O. C. Nwanna-Nzewunwa1, I. Feldhaus1, M. Carvalho1, M. M. Ajiko2, F. Kirya2, J. Epodoi2, R. Dicker1, C. Juillard1  2Soroti Regional Referral Hospital,Department Of Surgery,Soroti, , Uganda 1University Of California – San Francisco,Center For Global Surgical Studies,San Francisco, CA, USA


Trauma registries (TR) are key components of primary trauma data collection in developing countries. TR implementation can fail if stakeholder involvement is not prioritized. Stakeholder input, is required to create a context-appropriate TR that aptly captures trauma in developing countries. We sought to identify the key components of a context-appropriate prospective TR in a Ugandan Regional Referral Hospital and elicit the determinants of success and sustainability in implementing such a TR.


Focus group discussions were held with all cadres of clinicians involved in trauma care delivery at the hospital to identify context-appropriate TR variables. These results informed the design of a TR, which was then implemented. After a one-week pilot of the TR form, we obtained providers’ views on the utility of the TR form by generating a satisfaction score (the average score derived from a five-point Likert scale) for each question.


Five focus groups consisting of 14 providers (4 intern doctors, 3 Ear-Nose-Throat care providers, 3 general surgeons, 2 orthopedic officers and 2 eye care providers) identified 47 context-appropriate TR variables. Variable categories included: demographics, history and physical exam, injury characteristics, prehospital care, prehospital transportation, investigations, interventions, diagnosis, outcome/discharge status, and consent. These providers listed five barriers to TR implementation: the perception that TRs are time-consuming and increase workload, difficulties following-up admitted patients, lack of personnel, lack of equipment and other resources to gather data, and participation and cooperation issues. They also cited the availability of TR forms distinct from patient forms, TR forms at the point of care, a TR point person, a local TR committee, a good file storage system, and provider TR awareness as facilitators of TR implementation. Providers identified lack of finances, motivation, and salary incentive, and loss of momentum of the TR project as barriers to sustainability. They named the creation and proper training of a local TR team, periodic project evaluation, efficient project resource allocation, creating a research culture, and foreign partnership(s) as facilitators of sustainability. The post-pilot survey captured the perceptions (Figure) of 29 providers (intern doctors, surgeons, clinical officers, nurses) who implemented the TR. Providers were mostly satisfied with the TR form and its implementation.


Local providers’ perspectives are key to creating context-appropriate and sustainable TRs developing countries, and TR user satisfaction. Having dedicated resources, well-trained local TR staff, and local ownership of the TR is central to TR success.